Tuesday, June 12, 2012


This quarter has been a little rough on me, so I've been behind with updating this blog.  Apologies.  I've just recently decided that I want to do more with trees than just draw them, so now I'm taking an Environmental Science route at school.   My life has seriously been a lot different ever since - but I won't say it's a bad change, just different.

"Mindfulness" - Charcoal on Paper - 18 x 24 - 2012

But anyway, I made this charcoal piece based on one of my previous tree sketches - one that I called "Drunk" (it's featured in a previous post in this blog).
This piece is published in Mania Magazine (Spring 2012 issue), a student run arts and culture magazine in the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), where I happen to be Assistant Layout Editor.  It was also featured in the Undergraduate Art Show at University of California, San Diego.  You make me proud, drunken tree.